Christmas Snowball
  • High profit
  • Comfort Foods
 W2, Orange & Cranberry Tart to impress your guests.
 W2, Orange & Cranberry Tart to impress your guests.
Shelf life:
4 days
Refrigerator (3°C)
Containing: 7 Components

Orange Pastry Cream

Ingredients: Orange Pastry Cream

  • 500 ml
  • 125 g
    Castor Sugar
  • 120 g
    egg yolks
  • 60 g
    Corn flour
  • 1 g
    Zest of orange
  • 50 g

Preparation: Orange Pastry Cream

  1. Heat the milk and orange zest in a pot.
  2. In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, caster sugar, and corn flour.
  3. Temper the hot mixture into the egg yolks by slowly adding it while whisking.
  4. Put back on the heat and whisk on low heat until the mixture thickens and you cannot taste the corn flour
  5. Finally, whisk in the butter and allow the mixture to cool before serving.


  • Saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Scale
  • Spatula(s)
  • Stand Mixer
  • Oven
  • Mixing bowls
  • Induction

Choux Pastry

Ingredients: Choux Pastry

  • 500 g
  • 200 g
  • 300 g
  • 7-8 piece(s)
  • g
    Pinch of Salt

Preparation: Choux Pastry

  1. In a saucepan, bring the water and butter to a boil.
  2. Slowly add the flour while mixing vigorously.
  3. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring continuously.
  4. Using a Kitchen Aid with a paddle attachment, mix the hot choux mixture and add whole eggs at 32°C.
  5. The consistency of the choux should be smooth and slightly sticky.
  6. Pipe the mixture into desired molds and bake at 170°C for 20-25 minutes.


  • Saucepan
  • Piping Bag
  • Spatula(s)
  • Stand Mixer
  • Oven
  • Induction
  • Silicone moulds

Meringue Shards (for rolling)

Ingredients: Meringue Shards (for rolling)

  • 150 g
    egg whites
  • 150 g
    Castor Sugar
  • 150 g
    icing sugar

Preparation: Meringue Shards (for rolling)

  1. Whisk the egg whites and castor sugar until a stiff meringue forms
  2. Sieve the icing sugar and fold into the meringue
  3. Spread on baking sheet paper and bake at 60°C for 1 hour or until the meringue peels off the baking sheet


  • Whisk
  • Mixing bowl (s)
  • Baking Tray
  • Sieve

Ginger Caramel Sauce

Ingredients: Ginger Caramel Sauce

  • 1 1/2 cup(s)
    granulated sugar
  • 1 g
    orange juice
  • 125 g
  • 250 ml
  • g

Preparation: Ginger Caramel Sauce

  1. Boil the sugar, water and orange juice in a saucepan
  2. In another pot, boil the cream and granulated sugar
  3. Once sugar is golden caramel colour, slowly pour in the hot cream
  4. Whisk in the butter while still warm
  5. Cool and strain before serving


  • Saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Spatula(s)
  • Induction

Snowball Vanilla Mousse

Ingredients: Snowball Vanilla Mousse

Preparation: Snowball Vanilla Mousse

  1. Heat the cream and add the gelatine powder mix (3g of powder with 1.5g water)
  2. Pour hot mixture over the chocolate and stir in the vanilla beans
  3. Leave to set over night
  4. Whip the next day


  • Saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Spatula(s)
  • Induction

Cranberry Centre

Ingredients: Cranberry Centre

  • 200 g
    frozen cranberries
  • 20 g
    Castor Sugar
  • g
    orange juice

Preparation: Cranberry Centre

  1. Preheat the oven to 100°C
  2. Cook for 2 hours
  3. Strain using a cloth

Cranberry Compote

Ingredients: Cranberry Compote

  • 20 g
    Cranberry juice
  • 20 g
    Castor Sugar
  • 100 g
    frozen cranberries
  • 8 g
    Glucose powder
  • 2 g
    pectin NH
  • 2 g
    tartaric acid
  • 4 g
    Corn flour

Preparation: Cranberry Compote

  1. Heat the cranberry juice and caster sugar until it becomes syrupy.
  2. Add the frozen cranberries to the mixture.
  3. Once the cranberries are warm, add the glucose mixture.
  4. Heat the mixture to 102°C, then stir in the starch mixed with 8g of water.
  5. Boil for 1 minute, then freeze the mixture in a mold.


  • Saucepan
  • Thermometer
  • Spatula(s)
  • Induction

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