First dough (evening dough)
Ingredients: First dough (evening dough)
520 gsourdough
Preparation: First dough (evening dough)
Start with the right sourdough: the yeast must be ready.
Ingredients: First dough (evening dough)
185 gflour
590 gsugar
Preparation: First dough (evening dough)
Add flour, water and start kneading the dough until a gluten mesh starts forming.
Ingredients: First dough (evening dough)
565 gbutter
895 mlwater at 24 °C
480 gegg yolks
Preparation: First dough (evening dough)
Add the butter, which has to be creamy, and then the egg yolks.
When this is done, the evening dough is ready. Put it in a bucket and make a mark where the dough level is so that you can see the difference after proofing. Always wait for the dough until it is three and half or four times the original volume. This takes 8 to 12 hours.
Second dough
Ingredients: Second dough
710 gflour
850 gbutter
38 gsalt
24 gmalt flour
58 ginvert sugar
120 gorange zest
Preparation: Second dough
After the wait, take the dough and create a glutinous mesh again, meaning that the dough needs to become elastic and smooth.
Test it by taking the dough, and pull it so it stretches without breaking.
Ingredients: Second dough
590 gsugar
106 ghoney
7 glemon zest
7 gorange zest
4 piece(s)Vanilla
Preparation: Second dough
Add the sugar and the flavourings: honey, orange zest, vanilla and lemon zest.
Ingredients: Second dough
710 gegg yolks
58 gcream
Preparation: Second dough
Add the yolk with the cream and complete the mixture.
Ingredients: Flavours
18 gground coffee
80 gCoffee Paste
Preparation: Flavours
Add the ground coffee and the coffee paste.
Wait for the paste to have a uniform colour.
Ingredients: Flavours
2,59 kgcandied apricot
Preparation: Flavours
Add Carma™ white Nuit Blanche chocolate and the candied apricots and keep mixing.
Put the dough in a bowl and let it rise for 1 hour.
Cut the dough, weigh it around 520-530 g as this time we want to make a 500 g panettone.
Round it and put it in the moulds to let it rise for 4-6 hours.
Ingredients: Brushing
100 gEgg
Preparation: Brushing
Brush it with egg, put the decorations on, and cut a cross on top.
Then bake it at 170-175 °C for about 35-40 minutes.
Ingredients: Brushing
150 gChocolate decorations
Preparation: Brushing
When baked, take it out and put it on the special grid for Panettone to be turned upside down so that it does not go flat. Ready to be cool and wrapped!

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