WholeFruit Chocolate Truffle
This pastry was created with the aim to highlight how we can make small changes to improve the sustainability of the pastry industry. This petit gateau is 100% plant-based, utilizes the entire fruit, and does not employ the use of molds. The hope is by looking at aspects of our craft through a new lens, we will be able to make changes that ensure a more sustainable future.  
This pastry was created with the aim to highlight how we can make small changes to improve the sustainability of the pastry industry. This petit gateau is 100% plant-based, utilizes the entire fruit, and does not employ the use of molds. The hope is by looking at aspects of our craft through a new lens, we will be able to make changes that ensure a more sustainable future.  
Shelf life:
3 Days
Store in Refrigerator
Containing: 7 Components

Evocao™ Mousse

Ingredients: Evocao™ Mousse

  • 10.2 oz
  • 0.4 oz
  • 11.3 oz
  • 0.5 oz
    Aquafaba Powder
  • 5.6 oz
  • 4.8 oz
    Organic Dried Cane Juice
  • 1.6 oz

Preparation: Evocao™ Mousse

  1. Bring the water #1 and cornstarch to a boil.
  2. Pour over the Evocao™ WholeFruit Chocolate and combine with an immersion blender.
  3. Combine the aquafaba powder and water #2 and whip until a foam starts to form. 
  4. Cook the sugar and water #3 to soft ball stage; stream in whipping aquafaba to create an "Italian meringue" style foam.
  5. Once the ganache has cooled to 40°C/104°F gradually fold in the meringue.
  6. Chill until completely set.


Plant-Based Meringue (Baking)

Ingredients: Plant-Based Meringue (Baking)

  • 10.6 oz
  • 0.5 oz
    Potato Protein
  • 11.6 gr
    xanthan gum

Preparation: Plant-Based Meringue (Baking)

  1. To make the plant-based meringue base, combine the water, potato protein, and xanthan gum with an immersion blender.
  2. For best results, allow to rest overnight or minimum of a few hours before whipping.

Chocolate Biscuit

Ingredients: Chocolate Biscuit

  • 7.6 oz
    Plant-Based Meringue Base (above)
  • 5.6 oz
    Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
  • 2.6 oz
    King Arthur Sir Galahad Flour
  • 4.8 oz

Preparation: Chocolate Biscuit

  1. To produce the chocolate biscuit, whip the plant-based meringue base, slowly streaming in the sugar after a stable foam has developed.
  2. Whip to full volume.
  3. Sift the flour and fold into the meringue, followed by the melted  Evocao™ WholeFruit Chocolate.
  4. Spread into a prepared ¼ sheet pan, and bake at 360°F until the cake springs back. Cool and freeze for easier handling.

Whole Fruit Clementine Confit

Ingredients: Whole Fruit Clementine Confit

  • 8 piece(s)
    Organic Clementines, Fresh
  • 1.1 lb
    Clementine Paste
  • 1.7 oz
    Clementine Juice, Fresh
  • 8.4 oz
    Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
  • 0.3 oz
    Pectin E440
  • ¼ piece(s)
    vanilla bean

Preparation: Whole Fruit Clementine Confit

  1. To create the clementine paste, gently blanch the whole fruit in 0.5% salted water 5 times for 15 minutes, covering with fresh, cold salted water each time.
  2. Cut the clementines in half, remove the seeds and grind to a smooth paste. Measure 500 gr of clementine paste, then add the juice, pectin and evaporated cane juice.
  3. Bring to a full boil to activate the pectin and cook to desired consistency, then cool.


Cocoa Streusel

Ingredients: Cocoa Streusel

Preparation: Cocoa Streusel

  1. Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl, and mix with a paddle until combined.
  2. Add the cold plant-based butter in small pieces.
  3. Mix on low until pea-sized pieces of streusel form, stopping mixer occasionally to adjust the size of the particles and break up bigger pieces.
  4. Freeze, then sift to obtain pieces of uniform size. 
  5. Bake at 350°F until the streusel is set. Cool and reserve.

Evocao™ Chablon Glaze

Ingredients: Evocao™ Chablon Glaze

  • 1.3 lb
  • 10.6 oz

Preparation: Evocao™ Chablon Glaze

  1. Melt the Evocao™ WholeFruit Chocolate and Cocoa Butter separately. 
  2. Combine, and reserve at 40-45°C/104-113°F.

Assembly & Finishing

  1. Cut the frozen Chocolate Biscuit into 40mm rounds. 
  2. Pipe a layer of Clementine Confit onto the cake, then reserve in the freezer.
  3. Pipe a small amount of Evocao™ Mousse onto a 12” x 12”  piece of compostable plastic wrap to anchor the cake. 
  4. Pipe additional cream on top, for a total of 50g of Evocao™ Mousse. 
  5. Gather the plastic wrap into a sphere by twisting the top.
  6. Freeze. 
  7. Unmold, then dip into Evocao™ Chablon Glaze. 
  8. Roll in baked streusel then dust in Cacao Barry Extra Brute Cocoa Powder.


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