- 施設:
- Serbia, Belgrade
- 日付:
18 Mar 2025 - 20 Mar 2025
- 期間:
3 days
- 主言語:
- 料金:
800.00 EUR
- セグメント:
- コース人数:
This 3-day course will help you to understand how to make a stable ganache.
The theory of ingredients composing a ganache In order to understand the composition of a ganache it is essential to understand the ingredients that compose it, what are they made of and what are they used for?
How to improve the life of a ganache? This chapter makes it possible to understand the errors to avoid in order to keep a ganache suitable for consumption. Some ingredients will be cited as preserving. It is important to understand the different types of degradation of a ganache. Presentation of software "Ganache solution" This online tool will allow you to balance your own ganache recipes and understand the taste, texture, structure and give you an indication on the shelf life. The software has been designed to work in an intuitive way, a smart tool that will avoid you to test your recipes several times. You will have free access to software during the whole class.
Creating your own recipes After studying the theory of ingredients together, you will create your own recipes thanks to the support of the software “ganache solution”. We will start with simple recipes to continue to more complicated recipes in their balance composition. This work is usually done in groups of 3 people to reflect on the subject. I will give you all my support but the recipes will be yours, they will be made to understand the taste, structure and texture. During this class you will create molded and enrobed ganaches as well as some vegan recipes. We will balance a caramel recipe and a long shelf life ganache.
Tasting and report. After a day of crystallization, the ganache will be tasted together, and I will give you the tools to have an objective tasting. The recipes will either be validated or will need to be improved. We will try to understand the defect (s) of each of them and understand how to modify them in order to improve them.
Tests in comparison Ganache solution allows you to compare up to 3 recipes together. When the recipes are improved and if the time permits, we will be able to taste these recipes in comparison.
Ovaj trodnevni kurs će vam pomoći da razumete kako da napravite stabilan ganaš. Teorija sastojaka koji čine ganaš Da biste razumeli sastav ganaša, neophodno je razumeti sastojke koji ga čine, od čega su napravljeni i za šta se koriste?
Kako poboljšati život ganaša? Ovo poglavlje omogućava razumevanje grešaka koje treba izbegavati kako bi ganaš ostao prikladan za konzumiranje. Neki sastojci će biti navedeni kao konzervansi. Važno je razumeti različite vrste degradacije ganaša. Prezentacija softvera "ganache solution" Ovaj onlajn alat će vam omogućiti da izbalansirate sopstvene recepte za ganaš i razumete ukus, teksturu, strukturu i dati vam indikaciju o roku trajanja. Softver je dizajniran da radi na intuitivan način, pametan alat koji će vas izbeći da testirate svoje recepte nekoliko puta. Imaćete slobodan pristup softveru tokom celog časa.
Kreiranje sopstvenih recepata Nakon što zajedno proučite teoriju sastojaka, kreiraćete sopstvene recepte zahvaljujući podršci softvera „ganache solution“. Počećemo sa jednostavnim receptima da bismo nastavili na komplikovanije recepte u njihovom uravnoteženom sastavu. Ovaj rad se obično radi u grupama od 3 osobe kako bi se razmišljalo o ovoj temi. Daću vam svu svoju podršku, ali recepti će biti vaši, biće napravljeni da razumeju ukus, strukturu i teksturu. Tokom ovog časa ćete praviti oblikovane i enrobirane ganaše, kao i neke veganske recepte. Uravnotežićemo recept za karamel i ganaš sa dugim rokom trajanja.
Degustacija i izveštaj. Nakon jednog dana kristalizacije, ganache će se zajedno degustirati, a ja ću vam dati alate za objektivnu degustaciju. Recepti će ili biti odobreni ili će se raditi na popravci. Pokušaćemo da razumemo nedostatke svakog od njih i razumemo kako da ih modifikujemo da bismo ih poboljšali.
Testovi u poređenju Ganaš rešenje vam omogućava da uporedite do 3 recepta zajedno. Kada se recepti unaprede i ako vreme dozvoli, moći ćemo da probamo ove recepte i da ih uporedimo.