The molded product has holes

Chocolate fails to reach into the corners or edges of the mold. Surfaces have gaps and holes.

Causes and solutions

  • Couverture was not properly tempered

    Learning the basics of tempering chocolate will lay the foundation for achieving consistent, professional results.

    Introduction to Tempering Chocolate

  • Couverture was over-crystallized

    Over-crystallized chocolate is thick and viscous. This can be the source of many problems.

    What to Do When Chocolate is Over-Crystallized

  • Couverture was too thick or too thin

    Choose chocolate with the right fluidity

    Choosing the Right Fluidity

  • Bonbons were not cast properly

    Avoid air bubbles, gaps, and other issues by following the proper procedure for casting molded bonbons.

    Molded Bonbons: Casting the Shells

  • Tablets were not cast properly

    Avoid air bubbles, gaps, and other issues by following the proper procedure for casting chocolate tablets

    How to Cast Chocolate Tablets