Long shelflife
Quick & easy (production)
Good for freezing
This adaptable ice cream cake is perfect for various occasions – just switch up the decoration! In this version, Chef Russ crafted it with Fleur de Cao Dark Chocolate ice cream, infused with the delightful notes of Earl Grey tea. Nestled within is a luscious mandarin curd, while the base features a chocolate biscuit soaked in Earl Grey tea. At the very bottom, relish a crisp layer of feuilletine and chocolate. Those charming white chocolate bell decorations? Custom-cut stencils brought them to life!This adaptable ice cream cake is perfect for various occasions – just switch up the decoration! In this version, Chef Russ crafted it with Fleur de Cao Dark Chocolate ice cream, infused with the delightful notes of Earl Grey tea. Nestled within is a luscious mandarin curd, while the base features a chocolate biscuit soaked in Earl Grey tea. At the very bottom, relish a crisp layer of feuilletine and chocolate. Those charming white chocolate bell decorations? Custom-cut stencils brought them to life!This adaptable ice cream cake is perfect for various occasions – just switch up the decoration! In this version, Chef Ru...
- Shelf life:
- 2 months
- Conservation:
- -18*C
Containing: 6 Components
Fleur de Cao Earl Grey Tea Ice Cream
Ingredients: Fleur de Cao Earl Grey Tea Ice Cream
1.4 lbWhole milk (3.5% fat)
0.7 ozHeavy cream (35% fat)
0.2 ozEarl grey tea leaves
0.7 ozInvert sugar (Trimoline)
1.2 ozMilk solids non fat
2.1 ozGlucose powder DE42
3.1 ozsucrose
0.1 ozIce cream stabilizer & emulsifier blend
Preparation: Fleur de Cao Earl Grey Tea Ice Cream
- Weigh all ingredients.
- Combine the dairy in a sauce pot and bring to the boil.
- Add the tea leaves and infuse for 5 minutes.
- Strain.
- Return the dairy to its original weight (662g) by adding more milk as needed.
- Add the Invert sugar to the infused dairy.
- Heat the mixture on the stove to 45°C.
- Combine and blend well all the dry ingredients.
- At 45°C, incorporate the blended dry ingredients.
- Mix.
- Pasteurize between 82°C and 85°C for 2-3 min.
- Pour over the chocolate and emulsify.
- Cool rapidly to + 4°C.
- Maturation minimum 4 hours – best 12 hours.
- Mix and churn between -7°C and -10°C.
- Stock at - 18°C.
Feuilletine Crunchy Base
Ingredients: Feuilletine Crunchy Base
2.3 ozCWD-Q1EVOC
2.3 ozGrapeseed oil
0.1 ozsalt
Preparation: Feuilletine Crunchy Base
- Melt the chocolate.
- Mix in the praliné paste, oil, salt and crushed feuilletine.
- Spread into molds.
- Freeze.
- Unmold and keep in freezer until needed for building the cake.
Cocoa Sheet Cake
Ingredients: Cocoa Sheet Cake
4.1 ozegg yolks
11.3 ozwhole eggs
4.5 ozsucrose
6.9 ozegg whites
4.5 ozsucrose
2.3 ozInvert sugar (Trimoline)
5.3 ozall-purpose flour
Preparation: Cocoa Sheet Cake
- Beat the egg yolks and sucrose at medium speed. Add the whole eggs one at a time until the batter becomes pale in colour.
- Beat until the batter reaches the ribbon stage.
- Separately, beat the egg whites with the sucrose and Invert sugar that has been heated to 40°C.
- Mix the two batters; always adding the egg yolk batter to the whites first, and then the flour and cocoa powder which were sifted together previously, folding carefully.
- Once everything is mixed, spread onto sheet pans measuring 60x40 cm, with a height of 8 mm.
- Bake at 170°C and then set aside.
Mandarin Punch
Ingredients: Mandarin Punch
5.3 ozdextrose
8.7 ozwater
3.5 ozMandarin puree 10% sucrose
0.1 ozmandarin zest
Preparation: Mandarin Punch
- Mix all together.
- Heat to dissolve. Infuse zest for 5-10 minutes. Strain.
- Use to soak the cocoa sheet cake.
Mandarin Curd for Frozen Applications
Ingredients: Mandarin Curd for Frozen Applications
7.1 ozbutter
3.5 ozmandarin puree
8.8 ozsucrose
2 eachmandarin zest
4.2 ozegg yolks
1.8 ozwhole eggs
4.9 ozSyrup 70° brix (see base recipes)
4.9 ozMandarin marmalade
Preparation: Mandarin Curd for Frozen Applications
- Bring to boil the butter, the puree, the sucrose and the lime zests.
- Mix the yolks and eggs with a little of the boiling mix. Bring back to boil.
- Add the syrup and the mandarin marmalade.
- Cool down allow to rest.
- Pipe into cylinder molds and blast freeze.
- Keep frozen and use to build cakes.
Mirror Glaze for Frozen Applications
Ingredients: Mirror Glaze for Frozen Applications
9.9 ozwater
12.7 ozsucrose
8.5 ozHeavy cream 35% fat
4.2 ozGelatin mass (1:5 gelatin powder 200 bloom + water)
Preparation: Mirror Glaze for Frozen Applications
- Bring the water and sucrose to the boil.
- Add the cocoa powder, followed by the cream.
- Return to the boil.
- Add the gelatin mass.
- Strain.
- Refrigerate. It is important to make this glaze 24h in advance.
- Use between 18-25°C to glaze ice cream.

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