Menge: 2 large cakes of 400 g
FOR SPARKLING CAKES & BAKES  ​Unleash a new generation of donuts, cakes & cookies boasting the fruity ruby taste, satisfying crunch and bedazzling looks. Ruby chocolate decorations turn any biscuit into a star on shelf or in the counter.
FOR SPARKLING CAKES & BAKES  ​Unleash a new generation of donuts, cakes & cookies boasting the fruity ruby taste, satisfying crunch and bedazzling looks. Ruby chocolate decorations turn any biscuit into a star on shelf or in the counter.
Enthält:3 Komponenten


Zutaten: Cake

  • 210 g
    82 % Butter
  • 38 g
    flüssige Butter PF17
  • 191 g
  • 256 g
    Mandelpulver 100 %
  • 23 g
  • 92 g
  • 54 g

Zubereitung: Cake

Mix together.

Zutaten: Cake

  • 122 g
    Mehl T45

Zubereitung: Cake

Add to moulds.

Bake at 160°C for 40 mins.

Ruby chocolate glaze

Zutaten: Ruby chocolate glaze

  • 90 g
    Callebaut ® Feinste belgische Rubinschokolade, Rezept Nr. RB1 (CHR-R35RB1)

Zubereitung: Ruby chocolate glaze


Zutaten: Ruby chocolate glaze

  • 7 g
  • 2 g
    flüssige Butter PF28

Zubereitung: Ruby chocolate glaze

Add and mix well.

Zutaten: Ruby chocolate glaze

  • 1 g

Zubereitung: Ruby chocolate glaze

Mix in gently.

Put in bowl, film and keep in fridge.
Heat to 35°C before use.
Cool down and glaze. Leave to set. 


Zutaten: Decorations

  • CHR-PN-6222
  • CHR-BS-21877

Zubereitung: Decorations

Tip: Add butter or oil to your ruby chocolate glaze to help preserve the natural colour longer.

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