Recipe of Callebaut® Ambassador Peter Hernou, World Champion Latte Art A great mix of caramel and chocolate taste – Throwback to your childhoodRecipe of Callebaut® Ambassador Peter Hernou, World Champion Latte Art A great mix of caramel and chocolate taste – Throwback to your childhoodRecipe of Callebaut® Ambassador Peter Hernou, World Champion Latte Art A great mix of caramel and chocolate taste – Thro...
Contiene: 2 Componentes
Goldie (standard)
Ingredientes: Goldie (standard)
220 g3,25% leche entera
35 g
Preparación: Goldie (standard)
Agregar la leche caliente a ± 72 ° C.
Servir en un vaso alto.
Completa con una cucharada de nata montada.
Espolvorea con Rizos de Caramelo Callebaut® CHF-BS-20588E5-999 o toffee crujiente

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