Top Chocolate Confectionery Trends for 2023 & Beyond
Top Chocolate Confectionery Trends for 2023 & Beyond

Did you know that...
- 64% of US consumers actively seek out premium versions of their favorite chocolate, up +13% vs. two years ago
- 50% of US consumers actively seek out sustainably produced chocolate, up from 30% two years ago
- 73% of US consumers agree that there is a place for chocolate in a healthy diet
- 2 in 3 of North American consumers say that they expect snacks to offer a nutritional boost

The Chocolate Academy™ has pinned down the top chocolate trends for 2023 and beyond.
We’ve tapped into our global network of chefs, chocolate & confectionery experts, proprietary research, and consumer data to bring you the latest insights and inspiration.
Learn more about the Top Chocolate Confectionery Trends and start implementing them in your creations!
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To help you create impactful stories for your business, the academy chefs developed a concept called the "Big 6” that offers a variety of stories that can help you further engage with your customers.
Discover the easy to comprehend and must-have chocolate offer from Cacao Barry®, Carma® and Callebaut® in 6:
- Icons
- Colors
- Tastes
From their natural distinct colors to specific production process each chocolate is unique. Combining these stories and sharing them with your customers will create a memorable experience and bring up your bottom line overtime.