Cracked Shells

Outer shells of bonbons or tablets crack during unmolding or after unmolding

Causes and solutions

  • Molds used were dirty or had residue from previous products

    Be sure to properly clean and prepare your molds for outstanding results

    Molded Bonbons: Preparing the Molds

  • Improper procedure was used when unmolding product

    Easy does it! Be careful and meticulous when unmolding your products.

    Molded Bonbons: Unmolding the Finished Product

  • Improperly formulated filling caused migration of filling components, affecting the shells

    Use a trusted recipe or be sure that your proprietary recipe is properly formulated

    Fundamentals of Ganache

  • Improperly prepared filling caused migration of filling components, affecting the shells

    Emulsifying is a fundamental technique. Mastering it is key for professional results.

    Emulsifying a Ganache


These suggestions are good, don’t forget to talk about shells that are too thin…these are the classiest bonbons, but sometimes the shell is too thin to support handling, or the thump that sometimes one must use to release.