05 Sep 2023 - 06 Sep 2023
2 days
Основной язык курса:
700.00 GBP
В каком сегменте вы работаете?:
Традиционная выпечка и сдоба
Количество мест:

We are thrilled to welcome back Alexandre Bourdeaux to teach at the UK Chocolate Academy in Banbury.

During Alexandre’s extensive travels he has acquired knowledge and insights from different cultures and trends which he has translated into his signature range.

Alexandre worked as Head of the Callebaut Chocolate Academy in Wieze for 10 years but now has created his own consultancy company "Pastry & Chocadvice" where he continues to share his love and passion for all things chocolate.

Программа курса

Already completed the Chocolate Foundation Course (Workshop 1.0) and Creative Chocolate Skills (Workshop 2.0) and want to look at the grey area that is shelf life? Then this course is for you. The focus of Alexandre’s course is looking at ganache formulations to achieve the shelf life you need to meet consumer demand for your confectionery business.

Who should attend this course:
NPD chefs, chocolatiers

What the course will cover:

  • Understanding the different roles sugars play in making a stable ganache
  • Formulation of a stable ganache – with Ganache Solutions
  • Compare the different methods of making ganache and the effect on taste and shelf life
  • Stabilising and storage of ganaches
  • Recipe development - analysing the ganaches and review, adjust and modify the recipes to help improve the end product.

Note: day 1 is theory based.

Important: Please bring your laptop, ipad or tablet with you.

Практическая информация

Мы прилагаем к нашим спискам курсы и высылаем информацию о присоединении за 2 месяца до даты начала курса.

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Чтобы ваше место на курсе было подтверждено, вы должны произвести полную оплату. 

В стоимость курса входит:

куртка шеф-повара
Обед (пожалуйста, сообщите нам о любых аллергенах или диетических требованиях не позднее, чем за 2 недели до начала курса)
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