SILIKOMART Cylinders Mold - is used in this recipe.SILIKOMART Cylinders Mold - is used in this recipe.
Cake Foundation
Ingredients: Cake Foundation
6.7 ozbutter
6.4 ozicing sugar
Preparation: Cake Foundation
Mix smooth.
Ingredients: Cake Foundation
3.7 ozeggs
Preparation: Cake Foundation
Add it.
Ingredients: Cake Foundation
1.9 ozalmond powder
3.7 ozstarch
12.7 ozDried cake powder
0.1 ozsalt
Preparation: Cake Foundation
Add them and mix smooth.
Bake it at 190°C to golden brown color.
Almond Sponge
Ingredients: Almond Sponge
7.1 ozalmond powder
2.3 ozcake flour
0.1 ozstarch
0.1 ozsalt
10.2 ozeggs
1.4 ozSugar
Preparation: Almond Sponge
Whip them to cream yellow color.
Ingredients: Almond Sponge
5.9 ozegg white
7.1 ozsugar
Preparation: Almond Sponge
Whip them to meringue.
Mix smooth and bake at 200°C to golden brown color.
Lemon Mousse
Ingredients: Lemon Mousse
8.0 ozlemon puree
1.4 ozgelatin
Preparation: Lemon Mousse
Heat the puree.
Add gelatin into puree and let the mixture cool down to 28°C.
Ingredients: Lemon Mousse
2.0 ozegg white
2.0 ozsugar
Preparation: Lemon Mousse
Whip them to meringue, add it, and mix.
Ingredients: Lemon Mousse
7.1 ozwhipped cream
Preparation: Lemon Mousse
Add it.
Cherry Puree Filling
Ingredients: Cherry Puree Filling
9.8 ozred cherry puree
Preparation: Cherry Puree Filling
Heat it to 40°C.
Ingredients: Cherry Puree Filling
0.2 ozNH pectin
1.9 ozSugar
Preparation: Cherry Puree Filling
Add pectin and sugar.
Ingredients: Cherry Puree Filling
0.4 ozlime juice
Preparation: Cherry Puree Filling
Add it.
Ruby Glaze
Ingredients: Ruby Glaze
2.6 ozwater
5.3 ozSugar
5.3 ozglucose
Preparation: Ruby Glaze
Boil them to 103°C.
Ingredients: Ruby Glaze
0.3 ozGelatin powder (fish)
2.1 ozwater
Preparation: Ruby Glaze
Mix gelatin and water into blocks, and then pour in the blocks.
Ingredients: Ruby Glaze
7.0 ozcondensed milk
Preparation: Ruby Glaze
Add it.
Ingredients: Ruby Glaze
5.3 ozCHR-R35RB1
Preparation: Ruby Glaze
Add it and mix smooth.
Add oil-soluble red coloring powder and homogenize the mixture with a homogenizer at 40°C.

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