Good to go
Four classic flavors come together in these delicate, sophisticated tea cookies. Every element of these elegant bites enhances the others to create a delicious and impressive end product. The key to achieving perfect texture, balanced flavors, and beautiful presentation is careful attention to detail.Four classic flavors come together in these delicate, sophisticated tea cookies. Every element of these elegant bites enhances the others to create a delicious and impressive end product. The key to achieving perfect texture, balanced flavors, and beautiful presentation is careful attention to detail.Four classic flavors come together in these delicate, sophisticated tea cookies. Every element of these elegant bites en...
- Shelf life:
- 1 Day
- Conservation:
- Room Temperature, Dry
Containing: 4 Components
Chocolate Sablée Dough
Ingredients: Chocolate Sablée Dough
3 piece(s)Egg yolks, hard-boiled
1 piece(s)Egg yolks, fresh
3.5 ozicing sugar
6.6 ozPlant-based butter, very soft
1 piece(s)vanilla bean
15.4 grsea salt
6.7 ozcake flour
1.2 ozalmond flour
Q.S.Flour, for dusting
0.7 ozCacao Barry Plein Arome Cocoa Powder
Preparation: Chocolate Sablée Dough
- Place the hard-boiled egg yolks in the tamis and push them through with a scraper onto parchment paper. Then place the hard-boiled yolks in the mixing bowl along with the fresh yolk and powdered sugar. Cream on medium speed until smooth, stopping the mixer halfway through to scrape down the bowl.
- Add the butter and sea salt, then cut the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape the seeds into the bowl. Gently cream the mixture until smooth without incorporating any air.
- Sift the cake flour, almond flour, and cocoa powder together onto a sheet of parchment paper. Add the sifted ingredients to the mixing bowl, and mix just until combined. Scrape the sides of the bowl and mix again, then remove the bowl from the mixer and scrape by hand with a spatula to ensure all the butter is fully incorporated.
- Place the dough on a sheet of plastic film. Shape it into a rough rectangle, then roll it with a rolling pin to shape and flatten it slightly. Place the dough on a tray and allow it to chill in the refrigerator until it is fully set, about 2 hours.
- Once the dough has set, divide it in half and knead it briefly on your work surface. Shape the dough into a rough cylinder. Lightly dust a piece of parchment paper with four, and place the dough on top. Dust the dough with a little flour and cover it with a second sheet of parchment paper. Roll the dough to a 1.5mm thickness, using two metal rulers on either side of the dough as a guide for the thickness of your dough.
- Freeze the rolled dough until set.
- Once the dough is completely chilled, remove the parchment carefully.
- Use the fluted ring cutter to cut out cookies, then place them on a tray lined with a Silpain perforated silicone baking mat. Note that you will need to work quickly, as the dough becomes difficult to work with once warm. Top the raw cookies with another Silpain, and bake at 160°C (325°F) for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the cookies are set. Allow the cookies to cool completely.
- Metal Tray
- Strainer
- Scraper
- Bowl(s)
- Parchment paper
- Mixing bowl (s)
- Plastic film
- Rolling pin
- Tabletop mixer
- Paddle attachment*
- Small paring knife
- 1.5 mm (.05") metal bars
- Brushes
- 4 cm (1.6") fluted ring cutter
- Silpain Baking Mat
- Sifter
Coffee Caramel Ganache
Ingredients: Coffee Caramel Ganache
5.7 ozHeavy Cream 35%
2.5 ozCoffee beans, coarsely ground
Q.S.Heavy Cream 35%
0.7 ozhoney
0.1 ozsea salt
5.1 ozsugar
0.9 ozButter, Softened
5.0 ozCacao Barry Zephyr Caramel Chocolate
Preparation: Coffee Caramel Ganache
- Warm the cream in the saucepan until it boils, then add the crushed coffee beans to the cream, cover with plastic film and let it infuse for 12 minutes.
- Strain the coffee beans out of the cream then add some fresh cream to return the cream to its original weight. Add the honey and sea salt to the cream and microwave until just before boiling.
- While warming an empty saucepan, place both Cacao Barry® chocolates in a tall recipient. Place the sugar in the warm pan and let it caramelize to a dark caramel. Note that if you are making a larger quantity of ganache, you would have to add the sugar little by little and let it melt completely after each addition. Keep stirring until all the sugar crystals have dissolved and the desired caramel color has been reached, and turn the heat off. Add one-third of the hot cream mixture to the hot sugar to deglaze. Mix well then add the rest of the cream and mix again.
- Strain the hot caramel over the chocolates. Mix with an immersion blender until well emulsified. Let the ganache cool to 32°C to 35°C (90°F to 95°F) before adding the butter and blending again.
- Place the ganache in a bowl, cover with plastic film, making sure the film touches the surface of the ganache. Let the ganache crystallize at room temperature for 24 hours.
- Cooktop
- Tall recipient
- Strainer
- Thermometer
- Immersion blender
- Microwave
- Bowl(s)
- Mixing bowl (s)
- Plastic film
- Scale
- Saucepans
- Spatula(s)
Chocolate Garnishes
Ingredients: Chocolate Garnishes
Preparation: Chocolate Garnishes
- Pour the pre-crystalized chocolate on a guitar sheet. Cover with another guitar sheet, and spread the chocolate thinly with the offset spatula and the rolling pin. Using the the ring cutter, cut circles in the chocolate through the guitar sheet. Place the chocolate, still between the guitar sheets, between two metal trays and reserve at room temperature or in the refrigerator until crystallized.
- Once set, peel off the top guitar sheet carefully using a metal ruler as a guide.
- Using a small offset spatula, transfer the garnishes onto a parchment paper.
- With the heat gun, warm a small ring cutter and cut a circle in the center of each decoration.
- Reserve at room temperature until ready to use.
- Parchment paper
- Offset spatula
- Gloves
- Heat gun
- Guitar sheets
- Rolling pin
- Tweezers
- Small offset spatula
- Metal Tray (s)
- 4.5 cm (1.8") Round ring cutter
- 1 cm (.4") Round ring cutter
- Spatula(s)
Assembly and Finishing
Ingredients: Assembly and Finishing
Q.S.Gold dust as desired
Preparation: Assembly and Finishing
- With the small brush, paint the top of each cookie with the pre-crystallized Alunga chocolate.
- Dab each cookie's center with some gold powder.
- Place one chocolate garnish on top of each cookie, centering the garnish so that the gold powder shows through.
- Squeeze a drop of honey in the center of each cookie on top of the gold powder.
- Put the crystallized ganache in a piping bag with a 4 mm (.16") star tip, then pipe a little ganache in a circular motion on plain cookies.
- Top each cookie with ganache with one of the decorated cookies.
- Bowl(s)
- Parchment paper
- Brush
- Piping bag & 4 mm (.16")star tip
- Spatula(s)

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