Gold Muffins
Ingredients: Gold Muffins
210 mlmilk
2.6 ozEgg
Preparation: Gold Muffins
In a bowl mix the milk and eggs together
Ingredients: Gold Muffins
1.8 ozcaster sugar
5.8 ozbrown sugar
7.1 ozplain flour
0.1 ozbaking powder
0.1 ozbicarbonate of soda
Preparation: Gold Muffins
In a mixer add the flour, caster sugar and brown sugar cocoa powder, baking powder, bicaronate od soda and mix.
Pour in the milk/egg mix and mix until incorporated.
Ingredients: Gold Muffins
6.0 ozsunflower oil
Preparation: Gold Muffins
Add the oil and gold chocolate.
Pipe the mixer evenly into 12 muffin cases.
Bake in the oven 170oc 20-25 min.
Gold Seal Stamps
Ingredients: Gold Seal Stamps
Preparation: Gold Seal Stamps
Temper the gold chocolate and place into a piping bag.
Pipe 1cm round discs onto a sheet of silicone paper.
Freeze the wax seal stamp and push into the chocolate and set the chocolate.
Leave them to cool and set.
Dark Chocolate Gold Muffin
Ingredients: Dark Chocolate Gold Muffin
Preparation: Dark Chocolate Gold Muffin
Place the caramel into a piping bag with a small star nozzle.
Pipe around 15g of the caramel directly into the centre of the muffin.
Ingredients: Dark Chocolate Gold Muffin
14.1 ozFMF-GOLD35
Preparation: Dark Chocolate Gold Muffin
Place the crema into another piping bag with a Biscuit Nozzle.
Pipe ontop of the muffin leaving a hole in the top.
Fill this hole with the caramel and place a chocolate seal to one side.

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