07 Mar 2023 - 09 Mar 2023
3 dana
Glavni jezik na kursu:
1000.00 GBP
Chocolate Confectionery
Veličina grupe:

We are thrilled to welcome Christophe Morel, the leading global chocolate sculptor, to the Chocolate Academy here in Banbury.

With over 33 years of experience in chocolate, Christophe Morel is an internationally acknowledged chocolate artisan and chocolate sculptor.

Christophe has won many prestigious awards including the Canadian National Chocolate Awards in 2003, The Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie and took part in the World Chocolate Masters in 2005 and 2007.

In this exciting 3 day course at the Chocolate Academy Centre UK you will delve into the exciting world of chocolate moulding and sculpting.


Agenda kursa

Christophe will guide you through his sculpting techniques and teach you his tips and tricks for creating your own chocolate masterpiece.

The course will teach you the cold emulsion modelling techniques which gives you the confidence to work with chocolate as you would with clay. This technique can be used to create beautiful striking works of art that will last for years. 

The course includes:

  • Carving tools which will be used to sculpt the showpiece - will be provided for the duration of the course.
  • All course materials
  • At the end of the course you may want to take home your piece – you will need to consider transporting this. If you need any advice please contact the Academy
  • A signed certificate.
  • Lunch and Refreshments

Note: Accommodation not included


Praktične informacije

Укључујемо дневни ред курсева са нашим списковима курсева и послаћемо детаље о придруживању 2 месеца пре датума почетка вашег курса.

Ако имате било каква техничка питања или питања везана за курс, пошаљите нам е-пошту chocolate_academy_ukie@barry-callebaut.com


Да би ваше место било потврђено на курсу, морате извршити пуну уплату.

Ваша накнада за курс укључује:

  • Цхеф Јацкет
  • Ручак (молимо вас обавестите нас о алергенима или прехрамбеним захтевима најмање 2 недеље пре датума почетка курса)
  • Рецепти / Информатор

НАПОМЕНА: Смештај и вечера нису укључени