Italian meringue
Ingredients: Italian meringue
200 gegg whites
50 gsugar
350 gsugar
100 gwater
Preparation: Italian meringue
1. Combine water and 350g sugar. Bring to a boil and cook until 121°C.
2. Once the syrup reaches 108°C, whip egg whites with 50g sugar.
3. Pour syrup over whipped meringue and whip up meringue until is cooled down.
4. Pipe Italian meringue in heart shape and dry in the convectional oven at 80°C for 2 to 3 hours.
Mix berries jam
Ingredients: Mix berries jam
300 gfrozen strawberries
100 gFrozen blueberries
200 gfrozen raspberries
5 gPectine NH
0.5 gTonka beans
20 glemon juice
100 gsugar
Preparation: Mix berries jam
1. Defrost frozen fruits and blend it well to get a puree.
2. Heat puree with Tonka until is 45°C.
3. Mix sugar and pectine and add to warm puree.
4. Cook jam until it reaches 104°C.
5. Once the jam has reached 104°C add lemon juice.
6. Cool down jam and use it.
Raspberry and Ruby cremeux
Ingredients: Raspberry and Ruby cremeux
300 graspberry puree
90 gegg yolks
113 gwhole eggs
99 gsugar
31 ggelatine mass
83 gbutter
Preparation: Raspberry and Ruby cremeux
1. Heat puree and 1/2 of sugar.
2. Temper into the yolks, eggs and 1/2 of sugar.
3. Cook over medium heat to 85°C whisking continuously.
4. Pour over the Ruby chocolate and gelatine mass.
5. Burr mix until is smooth.
6. At 40°C add butter and burr mix.
7. Let it cool down in a chiller at 5°C and use it.
Vanilla Whip Ganache
Ingredients: Vanilla Whip Ganache
500 gcream 35% fat
50 gtrimoline
50 gglucose
8 gVanilla beans
750 gCream 35% fat
Preparation: Vanilla Whip Ganache
1. Combine cream 1 with trimoline, glucose and vanilla beans and warm it up at 85 °C.
2. Pour over the chocolate and mix by using a hand blander.
3. Add the cold cream 2 bland with the blander and keep in the fridge overnight.
4. Before using whip in the mixer.
Dark red chocolate spray
Ingredients: Dark red chocolate spray
Preparation: Dark red chocolate spray
1. Melt chocolate and cocoa butter with color separate at 45°C.
2. Combine chocolate and cacao butter.
3. Temper spray on 31°C and use it.
Red chocolate spray
Ingredients: Red chocolate spray
Preparation: Red chocolate spray
1. Melt chocolate and cocoa butter with color separate on 45°C.
2. Combine chocolate and cacao butter together.
3. Temper spray on 31°C and use it.

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