Strawberry Balsamic Ganache

Ingredients: Strawberry Balsamic Ganache

  • 50 g
    Heavy Cream 35%
  • 80 g
    strawberry puree
  • 30 g
    glucose syrup
  • 500 g
  • 55 g
  • 6 g
    Butter, Softened
  • 25 g
    White Balsamic Vinegar

Preparation: Strawberry Balsamic Ganache

  1. Combine the heavy cream, purée, and glucose in a pot and bring just to a simmer.
  2. Pour mixture over the white chocolate and cocoa butter and allow to stand for one minute.
  3. Stir or blend to emulsify. If needed, microwave in 20-second bursts to melt all of the chocolate.
  4. Mix in the butter, being sure the ganache is completely emulsified. Then blend in the vinegar.
  5. Agitate on the marble to fully crystallize the mixture.
  6. Pipe small rounds, and allow them to set overnight.


  • Cooktop
  • Saucepan
  • Food processor or immersion blender
  • Large scraper
  • Large offset spatula
  • Sheet pan
  • Silicone mat or parchment paper
  • Piping bag fitted with a round tip
  • Spatula

Assembly and Garnishing

Ingredients: Assembly and Garnishing

  • CHW-EZ-2011201
  • Freeze-dried strawberry powder

Preparation: Assembly and Garnishing

  1. Working quickly, roll the piped ganache into spheres.
  2. Coat the truffles in pre-crystallized white chocolate. You may need two layers.
  3. Allow to set, then garnish by piping pre-crystallized white chocolate on each truffle. Finish with strawberry powder.
  4. Allow chocolate coating to set completely before packaging truffles for sale.


  • Parchment paper
  • Gloves
  • Bowl (s)

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Hello! Our chefs work with different brands of fruit purees, depending on what is available in their region. Check with your different distributors to see what brands they carry. I will say that strawberry seems to be one that some manufacturers struggle with, so don't be afraid to taste a few different brands before using one in a recipe. And note that if you chose to make your own, many commercial products add 10% sugar to strawberry puree, and you may wish to do the same.