Fundamentals of Panning 1: Video Collection

Fundamentals of Panning 1: Video Collection

What is Panning? What are dragées? These terms encompass a wide range of products, all created with one main idea: a center - such as a nut, fruit, or candy - is coated in either sugar or chocolate in a turning drum. This method allows us to obtain a very round and even coating.

Here, Chef Russ Thayer presents a classic combination of milk chocolate and caramelized hazelnuts, a classic recipe perfect for understanding the basics of panning.

Cocoa powder coated hazelnuts in the panning drum

Recipe: Caramelized Hazelnuts Panned in Milk Chocolate

In the videos below, Chef Russ coats caramelized hazelnuts in milk chocolate. If you are logged in to your Chocolate Academy™ account, the link to download the recipe will appear below.