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Sign-up NOW to access a world of tools for your business!

Chocolate Academy Chefs

Chocolate Academy™ provides chefs and artisans like you with tools and solutions to run successful businesses.

Your new online experience includes inspirational recipes, industry insights, and a library of technique videos designed with busy professionals in mind.

Unsure of what you will get? Watch the video below!

  • >150 video recipes & 70 tutorial videos

    150+ video recipes & 70 tutorial videos

    To help you simplify production without reducing quality
  • Product Tools

    Product tools

    For finding the perfect ingredient to create your next best-seller and streamline your inventory
  • Inspiration and market insights

    Inspiration and market insights

    To guide you in creating products that your customers crave: treats that are good for them and for the planet!
  • Create Your Account Today

    Unlock free unlimited access to professional recipes, techniques and many more practical resources to sharpen your skills and grow your business.

Discover the new chocolate Academy resources & services for Chefs & artisans.

Access our personalized solutions from industry experts. Connect with our chefs to troubleshoot your applications, create recipes for your shop's needs, and get advice to take your business to the next level.

You'll also get exclusive access to product launches, industry events, demonstrations, and more.

Mark Tilling

What great happiness it is to be working with chocolate. It's great to be part of such a diverse product and even greater to share my passion with you.

Mark Tilling - Chocolate Academy Chef
Clare England

Chocolate has always been such a special ingredient and people feel so much joy around sharing and eating it, so to be able to create things that people get so much pleasure from is very special.

Clare England - Chocolate Academy Chef
Julie Sharp

Chefs are really struggling at the moment, there is a lack of skills around. I think the kitchens are going to have to adapt and the way to do so is by working smarter.

Julie Sharp - UK & Ireland Head of Chocolate Academy
  • Create Your Account Today

    Unlock free unlimited access to professional recipes, techniques and many more practical resources to sharpen your skills and grow your business.